On Track Coaching Courses

Leadership Development Courses
Project Management Fundamentals Workshop (2-Day Course)
Workshop Objectives
- Understand dynamics of Project Management
- Understand Portfolios, Programs & Projects
- Understand types of organizations & PM vs Functional Manager Power
- Be familiar with the 5 Process Groups
- Initiating
- Planning
- Executing
- Monitoring & Controlling
- Closing
- Understand dynamics of Project Management
- Integration Management
- Scope Management
- Time Management
- Cost Management
- Quality Management
- HR Management
- Communication Management
- Risk Management
- Procurement Management
- Stakeholder Management
PMI 5-Day Bootcamp For PMP Certification Prep
The power of PMP certification
The PMP adds value – CIO magazine ranked the PMP as the top project management certification in North America because it demonstrates you have the specific skills employers seek, dedication to excellence and the capacity to perform at the highest levels.
The PMP delivers benefits – The global median salary for PMP – certified professionals is 16% higher than those without it.
The PMP proves you work smarter – It proves you have the skills to drive project success and business results to increase your organization’s impact in the office or around the world.
The Global Gold Standard in Project Management Certification
With PMP certification, you not only show potential employers you have the experience and knowledge to drive successful projects – you showcase your ability to adapt to any project environment. In any industry. Anywhere around the world.
PMP cerfication validates that you are among the best - highly skilled in:
Recognizing you have the expertise to effectively lead and motivate a project team through all phases. -
Demonstrating predictive, agile and hybrid approaches and the ability to determine the best model, based on the challenge at hand. -
Business Environment
Highlighting the success of a project and its impact on overall strategic organizational goals.
Aspiring Leaders (2-Day Course)
This two-day introductory leadership course has been customized for employees who are contemplating a leadership position in the future. This introductory high-level course provides the participants with a sense of what it takes to be an effective leader, to contemplate leadership positions, and allow them to make an informed career decision early on in their careers. On Track Coaching, LLC designed this course to inspire, engage, and help students develop the leadership competencies needed to lead self and meet whatever leadership challenges they may face in the future. The core curriculum focuses on developing the critical competencies needed to step into a leadership role well-equipped and attuned to the challenges ahead. Participants will also examine personal practices of successful leaders in developing vision, resolving conflicts, communicating with co-workers, and setting priorities. Participants learn strategies for managing relationships that are critical to leadership success. Students who complete this interactive 2-day course will gain leading-edge knowledge of various leadership frameworks from expert instructors, and practice effective leadership skills in the company of their peers. Course topics will also expand on modeling desired leadership behaviors, problem solving, communicating upward, developing self, critical thinking, flexibility, interpersonal skills, employee motivation, and an introduction to emotional intelligence (EI). This course is designed to support 30 students. This courses also integrates adult learning principles, and instructional systems design ISD) best practices such as gamification (Classroom Clickers), learning activities, role play, polling, embedded videos, and experiential learning activities.
Aspiring Leader’s Course Objectives
- Be familiar with different leadership styles and theories, as well as understating how the role of a leader is critical to organizational success
- Identify and analyze behaviors leaders should model in the workplace and what effect these behaviors have on individual, group or team performance
- Gain a greater understanding of how personal behaviors and communication styles affect workplace interactions
- Discover opportunities for growth in your organization and intervention methods that encourage collaboration and team cohesiveness.
- Learn how effective leaders create an organizational focus around the most important priorities
- Develop a personal leadership action plan and an accountability system for addressing your most important challenges
- Identify and demonstrate an understanding of conflict management and conflict resolution as it applies to one-on-one relationships
Customized Evidence-Based Leadership Development Course (The Leadership Challenge®) (3-Day Course)
The Leadership Challenge® 3-Day Workshop is a unique, intensive, and highly interactive experience that has served as a catalyst for profound leadership transformations in organizations of all sizes and in all industries. Participants who complete this interactive two-day leadership workshop often describe how The Leadership Challenge is more than a training event, how it truly changed their lives. The Leadership Challenge® Workshop is designed to engage students through experiential activities, workbook exercises, group problem-solving tasks, video cases, and lectures. Capitalizing on 40 years of research, by Barry Posner and James Kouzes, the Leadership Challenge provide students with an opportunity to have plenty of hands-on practice applying The Five Practices leadership model to current organizational and personal leadership challenges. Immensely practical and hands-on, The Leadership Challenge® Workshop is designed to inspire, engage, and help leaders develop the skills needed to meet whatever leadership challenges lay ahead. The core curriculum is structured around seven components, including five independent modules that focus specifically on each of The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership®.
Each module describes the practice, and leadership characteristics and traits related to that practice, and ends with techniques that asks participants to reflect on how to apply what they have learned to a current leadership challenge of their own. With a plan of action in-hand for taking the key learnings from the workshop back to the workplace, leaders will be prepared to implement these new leadership practices back on the job, beginning Day 1. For students to maximize the Leadership Challenge experience, we recommend students completing either the Everything DiSC Workplace or Everything Work of Leaders Profile assessment. In our price table, we have listed the Leadership Challenge Workshop cost, but we have not added the cost of the assessment, as this cost will be determined by the number of students enrolled in the course.
The Leadership Challenge is a proven solution for: Change Management, Coaching, Communication, Leadership, Management, and Team Building
Course Benefits
- Students complete an Everything DiSC Work of Leaders or Everything DiSC Workplace Profile
- Identify the frequency of their personal leadership behaviors—as measured by the Leadership Practices Inventory and proven to enhance the effectiveness of leaders
- Clarify and communicate their fundamental values and beliefs
- Set the example for others by aligning their actions with shared values
- Inspire others to share a common vision
- Experiment with innovative ideas and learn from accompanying mistakes
- Build collaboration, teamwork, and trust
- Strengthen the ability of others to excel
How to be a Successful Team Leader /Project Leader (2-Day Course)
This 2-day interactive teambuilding course has been customized to prepare employees who will lead a group of employees to the successful completion of an assigned project. The Team/Project Leader works with the team and key stakeholders to set the key goals and major objectives. During this 2-day course, participants learn the fundamentals of leadership and how to lead a team to success using practical skills to plan, schedule, organize, direct and control resources to get results. Course objectives provide participants an overview of roles and responsibilities of supervisors and explore methods of maintaining technical expertise while demonstrating supervisory leadership. This interactive course also reveals the key actions a leader must take to connect with and engage others while working within a team environment. Students have in-depth discussion on building trust, learning how to leverage unique motivators, manage performance from a people-centric perspective, and engage people emotionally. Student received an in-depth review of decision-making, problem-solving, coaching, characteristics of high-performing teams, teambuilding principals, commitment in team building, accountability, conflict management, resolving misunderstandings, role playing activities.
How to be a Successful Team Leader /Project Leader Objectives
- Discover the value of a cohesive, functional team
- Learn how to demonstrate supervisory leadership
- Become familiar with the characteristics associated with high-performing teams
- Understand how trust impacts team productivity
- Understand and practice ways to encourage positive actions and effectively motivate, inspire, coach and reward team members
- Learn how to lead a team to success
- Understand key actions a leader must take to connect with and engage others while working within a team environment
- Discover how to manage performance from a people-centric perspective
- Determine ways to increase the level of commitment
- Learn to build teams and set goals for performance
Successfully Leading People Course (2-Day Course)
Instructors bring real-world experience into this course designed to provide students leadership techniques to navigate real-world scenarios and develop a personal action plan. At the completion of this course, students have a better understanding of DoD Civilian Leaders Development Continuum and DoD Civilian Leader Development Framework Core Competencies. This course is designed to support 30 students. This courses also integrates adult learning principles, and instructional systems design ISD) best practices such as gamification (Classroom Clickers), learning activities, role play, polling, embedded videos, and experiential learning activities.
Successfully Leading People Course Objectives
- Be familiar with different leadership styles and theories, as well as understating how the role of a leader is critical to organizational success
- Identify and analyze behaviors leaders should model in the workplace and what effect these behaviors have on individual and team performance
- Identify the central skills needed for effective leadership and explain ways to strengthen or develop those skills
- Gain a greater understanding of how personal behaviors and communication styles affect workplace interactions
- Discover opportunities for growth in your organization and intervention methods that encourage collaboration and team cohesiveness
- Identify and demonstrate an understanding of conflict management and conflict resolution as it applies to one-on-one relationships
- Learn strategies to motivate and inspire others
- Learn to create leadership in others
- Understand techniques to improving employee engagement
Successful Senior Leadership in Government Organizations (2-Day Course)
This 2-day interactive senior leadership course is designed to help results-oriented civilian leaders develop strategic leadership competencies that will allow them to increase their influence, lead effectively in increasingly complex environments, and take others to a higher level of leadership. This course is ideally suited for Supervisors, Managers, and Senior Leaders (such as Division Heads, Department Heads, or other Senior Members) as it provides participants with core competencies such as leading change, leading people, being results driven, building coalitions, and business acumen that aligns with DoD Civilian Development Framework. Learning outcomes for this course will be designed to prepare individuals to strategically lead organizations and make decisions while being situationally aware of the organizational environment, stakeholder interests, and increased time horizons. Students will participate in active learning activities and group collaborative sessions designed to help students come away with a better understanding of the importance of collaborating with stakeholders both within and outside their department and develop an understanding of how the overarching mission and vision of the organization impacts the development of the mission and vision within the division or department.
Course objectives also focus on leaders being accessible, workforce planning, motivating employees, motivational theories, developing employees, leader-coaching, giving and receiving feedback, managing a diverse workforce, and managing conflict. Using instructional system design (ISD) best practices, this course integrates the framework of John Kotter‘s 8-Step Model of Leading Change. Incorporating Kotter’s model into training will help students improve those leadership competencies associated with DoD’s Leadership Continuum and enhance their abilities and methods for leading an organization in an environment that is constantly flexing and changing. Kotter’s Model will also help students develop a sense of urgency, form powerful coalitions, create a vision for change, communicate a vision for change, learn how to remove obstacles, create short-term wins, build on the changes achieved, and anchor those changes in a government type culture. At the completion of this course, students have a better understanding of DoD Civilian Leader Development Framework Core Competencies. This course is ideally suited to support 20 students but can be increased to support a maximum of 30 students. This courses also integrates adult learning principles, and instructional systems design ISD) best practices such as gamification (Classroom Clickers), learning activities, role play, polling, embedded videos, and experiential learning activities.
Successful Senior Leadership in Government Organizations Course Objectives
- Explain the senior leaders’ role in coaching and feedback and how it differs from front line supervisors’ role in setting expectations and performance goals.
- Apply John Kotter’s 8-step model to create a sense of urgency; build a guiding coalition; form a strategic vision and initiatives; enlist a volunteer army; enable action by removing barriers; generate short-term wins; sustain acceleration; and institute change.
- Understand management communication styles and the decision-making process
- Understand and describe staffing and retention management and why it is important to have a staffing strategy
- Be familiar with goal-setting and motivation techniques for organizational performance and developing people-centered organizations that foster development and growth
Performance Management (2-Day Course)
The Performance Management Course is designed to provide Supervisors with an understanding of how employee performance and conduct issues can be successfully addressed. This course also examines the importance of an effective performance management system in helping supervisors define and achieve short and long term goals. Lesson topics expand on performance standards, leader-coaching, performance coaching, performance appraisals, handling unsatisfactory performance, providing effective feedback, work-life balance, performance management process, employee development, and SMART goals. At the completion of this course, students have a better understanding of DoD Civilian Leader Development Framework Core Competencies. This course is ideally suited to support 20 students but can be increased to support a maximum of 30 students. This courses also integrates adult learning principles, and instructional systems design ISD) best practices such as gamification (Classroom Clickers), learning activities, role play, polling, embedded videos, and experiential learning activities.
Conflict Management (2-Day Course)
This interactive 2-day conflict management workshop is designed to provide participants with the skills, knowledge and confidence to effectively manage and turn around potentially negative performance situations in the workplace in a constructive manner. As leaders, we all know that conflict is an inevitable part of our lives but how we view it and how we deal with it can turn it from being an unpleasant experience into one where we learn and grow. This conflict management workshop will provide participants hands-on techniques through real world role play scenarios designed to reflect situations they may encounter in a federal government environment, as well as help students understand how conflict can be positive for team success. This module will also introduce students to the various conflict management tools and techniques that will assist them to effectively deal with conflict situations. Workshop topics will also expand on creating an inclusive workplace, different conflict styles, conflict management skills, process for managing conflict, handling difficult employees, healthy and unhealthy conflict behaviors, conflict-related behaviors, handling workplace conflict effectively, identifying the impact of different conflict styles, and emotional intelligence and conflict.

Participants also dive into the root causes of most conflict situations, how DiSC styles impacts how individuals engage in conflict, participants also learn about proven techniques for dealing with combative people, they learn how to anticipate and take appropriate steps to prevent counter-productive behaviors and confrontations, active listening skills, effective questioning, aligning conflicting or competing outcomes, determining a course of action, strategies that avoid escalation of conflicts, and techniques to show empathy and rapport. This workshop supports up to 20 students and integrates gamification (Classroom Clickers), learning activities, role play, polling, embedded videos, and experiential learning exercises.
Workshop Objectives
- Demonstrate an understanding of conflict management and conflict resolution
- Understand the different types of conflicts
- Be familiar with the causes of conflicts
- Understand the different conflict styles that make up the conflict model.
- Understand the different conflict management tools
- Be able to apply conflict management tools
- Identify factors that create conflicts in the workplace
- Choose a conflict resolution strategy
- Implement a procedure to resolve disagreements
- Exercise active listening skills taught in the workshop to improve open communication in the workplace
- Appreciate how cultural experience and diversity affect interpretations of situations
Emotional Intelligence (EI) Workshop (2-Day Course)
This interactive 2-day emotional intelligence workshop is designed to provide participants an introduction to Emotional Intelligence (EI) competencies that are at the heart of effective workplace relationships and productivity. Workshop topics emphasizes the practical application of EI concepts over theory, while providing participants with a greater personal awareness of how to connect with others, manage stress, engage in healthy conflict, collaborate effectively, and be more optimistic and resilient using emotional intelligence skills learned in the workshop. Workshop objectives are designed to introduce participant emotional quotient (EQ) and emotional intelligence (EI), and help students increase their emotional intelligence over time; improve professional performance and relationships with co-workers; improve emotional intelligence personal awareness; improve relationships through improved emotional intelligence; demonstrate emotionally intelligent stress management and resilience. This workshop supports up to 20 students and integrates gamification (Classroom Clickers), learning activities, role play, polling, embedded videos, and experiential learning exercises.

Workshop Objectives
- Understand Emotional Quotient (EQ)
- Be able to discuss the concepts of Emotional Intelligence (EI)
- Understand five components of emotional intelligence
- Identify the benefits of emotional intelligence
- Understand the emotional brain
- Understand the emotional intelligence framework
- Be able to identify ways to improve individual Emotional Intelligence in the workplace
- Exhibit a collaborative attitude at work through application of Emotional Intelligence (EI)
- Be able to achieve healthy conflict and collaboration using Emotional Intelligence (EI)
- Expand emotionally intelligent personal awareness
- Demonstrate emotionally intelligent stress management and resilience
- Apply emotionally intelligent communication skills to relationship building and maintenance
- Practicing active listening skills that build and maintain empathy
Effective Communication Workshop (2-Day Course)
Workshop Objectives
- Recognize and design different ways to communicate in formal and informal communication pathways
- Understand how personal behaviors and communication styles affect workplace interactions
- Be able to use appropriate communication style based on situation
- Gain a greater understanding of how personal behaviors and communication styles affect workplace interactions
Coaching and Mentoring Workshop (2-Day Course)
Workshop Objectives
- Identify and set appropriate goals using the SMART technique of goal setting
- Define coaching, mentoring and the GROW model
- Understand the Situational-Behavior-Impact (SBI) Model
- Identify the benefits of building and fostering trust with your employee
- Identify and overcoming common obstacles to the growth and development of your employee
- Identify the difference between mentoring and coaching, using both to enable long-term development through a positive relationship with your employee
Teambuilding: The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, Patrick Lencioni
This course was developed and customized using team building expert Patrick Lencioni’s Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team™ program. This new approach to teambuilding is designed to provide students both a theoretical and practical/application-based approach to leadership and teambuilding. Learning outcomes are intended to help students learn to work together more efficiently and effectively and become a more cohesive team. At the completion of this course, students have a better understanding of DoD Civilian Leaders Development Continuum and DoD Civilian Leader Development Framework Core Competencies. This teambuilding course is also designed to give participants an opportunity to explore psychological and group dynamics that enhance and impede effective individual and collective decision making. Through use of embedded discussion videos, case studies, and team exercises, participants are given “real time” practice on how to reach decisions that are more conscious, robust and reliable. This course is designed to support 30 students. This courses also integrates adult learning principles, and instructional systems design ISD) best practices such as gamification (Classroom Clickers), learning activities, role play, polling, embedded videos, and experiential learning activities.
Teambuilding: The Five Dysfunctions of a Team Objectives
- Discover the value of a cohesive, functional team
- Become familiar with the five behaviors of a cohesive team
- Become familiar with the characteristics associated with high-performing teams
- Understand how trust impacts team productivity
- Explore what the term “vulnerability-based trust” means
- Understand and practice ways to encourage positive actions and effectively motivate, inspire, coach and reward team members
- Learn about healthy, productive conflict
- Practice giving and receiving feedback
- Understand concepts of clarity and buy-in as they relate to commitment
- Determine ways to increase the level of commitment
- Learn to build teams and set goals for performance
Leading with Empathy
According To Research Empathy Is The Most Important Leadership Skill As we go through tough times, struggle with burnout or find it challenging to find happiness at work, empathy can be a powerful antidote and contribute to positive experiences for individuals and teams. Empathy Contributes to Positive Outcomes. In this course, leaders will learn todemonstrate empathy in two ways.
First, they can consider someone else’s thoughts through cognitive empathy (“If I were in his/her position, what would I be thinking right now?”). Leaders can also focus on a person’s feelings using emotional empathy (“Being in his/her position would make me feel ___”). But leaders will be most successful not just when they personally consider others, but when they express their concerns and inquire about challenges directly, and then listen to employees’ responses.
Training includes:
- The three types of Empathy
- Be curious and listen deeply.
- Show humility and self-awareness.
- The language of empathy
- Invest in building relationships.
- Set expectations and give feedback.
- Build a culture of empathy – it takes a team.

Everything DiSC® Trainings
Customized Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team Training Program (3-Day Course)
On Track Coaching, LLC is an Accredited Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team™ Authorized Partner, certified to provide customized teambuilding training for 8 to 20 member teams. The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team Model is a customized 1-day or 3-day assessment-based learning experience that helps individuals and organizations reveal what it takes to build a truly cohesive and effective team in the most approachable, competent, and effective way possible. Powered by Everything DiSC®, the profiles help participants understand their own DiSC® styles and the DiSC styles of team members. Bringing together everyone’s personalities and preferences to form a cohesive, productive team takes work, but the payoff can be huge—for individuals, the team, and the organization. This customized program will provide students with real-world scenarios using role play, case studies, peer teach-back, videos, and group discussions. This program will also provide students with an in-depth look at the five pillars required by every successful team: Trust, Conflict, Commitment, Accountability, and Results. This 1-day or 3-day program is ideally suited for teams that constantly have office politics, limited trust among team members, destructive conflict, and members not holding each other accountable.
Benefit of Teams Completing the Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team Program
The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team Program help teams understand how, as a team, they scored on the key components of The Five Behaviors Model: trust, conflict, commitment, accountability, and results. Everyone on the team will also understand their own personality style and their team members styles, based on the Everything DiSC® Model: D: Dominance, i: Influence, S: Steadiness, and C: Conscientiousness, and how their style contributes to the team’s overall success. Here we describe the five behaviors that make up the program.
- Trust One Another – When team members are genuinely transparent and honest with one another, they are able to build vulnerability-based trust.
- Engage in Conflict Around Ideas – When there is trust, team members are able to engage in unfiltered, constructive debate of ideas.
- Commit to Decisions – When team members are able to offer opinions and debate ideas, they will be more likely to commit to decisions.
- Hold One Another Accountable – When everyone is committed to a clear plan of action, they will be more willing to hold one another accountable.
- Focus on Achieving Collective Results – The ultimate goal of building greater trust, conflict, commitment, and accountability is one thing: the achievement of results.
The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team Model is a customized 1-day or 3-day assessment-based learning experience that can be conducted in either a 1-day or 3-day format. It provides the customer with flexibility to conduct training based on the organization’s workload and time available for customized training. Once completed, team members complete a Progress Report 6-months post training to get an update on the team’s improvement in the areas of “trust, conflict, commitment, accountability, and team results.
The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team
The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team has a simple goal: To create a learning experience that helps individuals and organizations reveal what it takes to build a truly cohesive and effective team in the most approachable, competent, and effective way possible. Powered by Everything DiSC, the profiles help participants understand their own DiSC styles. Bringing together everyone’s personalities and preferences to form a cohesive, productive team takes work, but the payoff can be huge—for individuals, the team, and the organization. Designed exclusively for intact teams and work groups, the program helps members understand how, as a team, they score on the key components of The Five Behaviors model: trust, conflict, commitment, accountability, and results. Each individual on the team will also understand their own DiSC style—D: Dominance, i: Influence, S: Steadiness, and C: Conscientiousness, and how their style contributes to the team’s overall success. A productive, high-functioning team: Makes better, faster decisions, taps into the skills and opinions of all members, avoids wasting time and energy on politics, confusion, and destructive conflict, avoids wasting time talking about the wrong issues and revisiting the same topics over and over again because of a lack of buy-in, creates a competitive advantage, and is more fun to be on!

The Program Includes
- Flexible Facilitation: 7 modules with over 40 minutes of video and annotated facilitator reports. Choose the One-Day Facilitation Program or Three-Day Facilitation Program
- Individual Profiles, participant handouts, take-away cards and activities
- Podcasts, online resources, and a research report
- Progress Reports and an Annotated Team Report for the Facilitator
Progress Report
The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team™ Progress Report highlights areas of greatest improvement and decline, offers productive points of discussion, and provides an action plan to help teams prioritize and set specific goals. You’ll be able to compare how a team’s performance has changed over time and highlights areas of greatest improvement and of greatest decline.
The Progress Report also includes:
- Your Team’s Survey Results
- Points of Discussion
- Action Plan
- Identify the team’s priorities for improvements
- Set specific goals
- Appendix
- The Impact of Your DiSC® Style
- Everything DiSC® Team Map
- Conflict Team Map
Customized 2-Day Everything DiSC® Workplace Training Program
On Track Coaching, LLC is a Certified Everything DiSC ®Authorized Partner, credentialed to provide individual and team assessments using each of the Everything DiSC leadership assessment. Students who complete the Everything DiSC Workplace training program will complete an Everything DiSC Workplace Profile prior to the instructor-led classroom training session. Everything DiSC solutions help employees at any level of an organization or industry effectively understand themselves and others. By establishing a common language that elevates the effectiveness of communication and teamwork, Everything DiSC training will help students strengthen their relationships and help improve productivity and workplace collaboration. The Everything DiSC Workplace assessment delivers a comprehensive, easily customizable workplace development solution to engage every employee—regardless of title or position, department, or function—in building more productive and effective relationships at work. This 1-day program will be tailored to accommodate 8 to 20 students and will also integrate classroom technology (Clickers), gamification, and embedded videos.

After completing our 2-day training program, students:
- Discover their own DiSC style: recognize the priorities, motivators, and stress triggers that shape their workplace experience
- Identify strategies to make more meaningful connections with colleagues of various styles and work more effectively to reduce tension, and solve problems
Customized 2-day Everything DiSC® Work of Leaders Training Program
On Track Coaching, LLC is a Certified Everything DiSC ®Authorized Partner, credentialed to provide individual and team assessments using Everything DiSC leadership assessment tools. In the following paragraph, we provide our technical approach for completing BPAs requesting an Everything DiSC training solution. Our Everything DiSC® Work of Leaders training program is designed to help learners better understand themselves and others. Whether improving working relationships, strengthening management skills, or tackling conflict with a new mindset, The Everything DiSC® Work of Leaders assessment delivers insight and strategies to meet each learners’ unique needs. This 2-day training program will include five 60-70-minute lessons, student handouts, and a 23-page full-color Everything DiSC® Work of Leaders Profile report that students complete as part of their pre-course assignment online prior to the training session. The Everything DiSC® Work of Leaders program is a blended training solution composed of instructor-led classroom instruction, online pre-work (Everything DiSC ®Work of Leaders Profile), and engaging facilitation with contemporary videos that creates a personalized learning experience.

This robust 2-day training session will include:
- Introduction to Work of Leaders
- Vision
- Alignment
- Execution
- Action Planning
Program Benefits
- Acts as a springboard for conversation and team building
- Improves employee and workplace communication
- Helps you to understand people who aren’t like you…or are too much like you
- Reduces conflict and avoids misunderstandings

Customized 2-day Everything DiSC® 363 for Leaders Training Program

Benefits of the Everything DiSC 363 for Leaders Profile
- 72-item Leadership Behavior section about how the leader tends to lead
- 24-item Leadership Requests section asking which leadership practices you’d like the leader to do more of

The Everything DiSC Agile EQ Profile focuses on:
- Discovering your DiSC Style
- Recognizing your EQ potential
- Understanding your EQ strengths
- Committing to customized strategies for building agility
The Profile
Participant Take-Aways
- Discover the instinctive mindsets that shape their responses and interactions
- Recognize opportunities to stretch beyond what comes naturally to them
- Take action to become more agile in their approach to social and emotional situations
Customized 2-day Everything DiSC® Productive Conflict Training Program
On Track Coaching, LLC is a Certified Everything DiSC ®Authorized Partner, credentialed to provide the Everything DiSC Productive Conflict Training Program to teams and groups. This customized Everything DiSC® Productive Conflict program is designed to help learners better understand themselves and others and will be designed to help individuals harness the power of workplace conflict using the Everything DiSC Productive Conflict Model as the conceptual framework. Designed to help curb destructive behaviors so that conflict can become more productive, this program will help individuals, teams, and groups learn how to respond to conflict in an effective way, ultimately improving workplace results and relationships.
Students enrolled in our Everything DiSC® Productive Conflict course will be required to complete an online pre-course assignment consisting of an Everything DiSC Productive Conflict Profile prior to classroom instruction. The Everything DiSC® Productive Conflict program will help learners improve self-awareness around conflict behaviors. Rather than focus on a step-by-step process for conflict resolution, Everything DiSC® Productive Conflict provides learners with techniques to curb destructive behaviors and effectively respond to conflict situations. With highly personalized content, this program provides valuable information specific to a learner’s responses to the pre-course online conflict self-assessment they complete prior to taking this course and to their corresponding DiSC® style. This powerful conflict management tool features DiSC in conflict, provides reasons behind destructive responses, and offers strategies to reframe productive responses to conflict situations.

Upon completion of this 2-day conflict management program student take-aways include:
- Exploring the destructive and productive conflict behaviors of each DiSC style
- Understanding how to manage their responses to conflict situations
- Discovering communication strategies when engaging in productive conflict with colleagues
Leadership Behavioral and Personality Assessments
Everything DiSC® Workplace Profile Assessments
Everything DiSC Workplace® profile is our bestselling Everything DiSC assessment product. Everything DiSC Workplace profile is for anyone and works with everyone, from senior executives down to entry-level employees. The goal of Everything DiSC Workplace profile is to improve the quality of the workplace. The DiSC profile results allow users to understand and appreciate the personality styles of the team members or co-workers they work with. The result is more effective and productive working relationships and improved workplace communication.
The 20 page Everything DiSC Workplace profile helps people identify and explore the priorities that drive them by focusing on:
- Discovering Your DiSC Personality Style
- Understanding Other DiSC Personality Styles
- Building More Effective Relationships

This report is for a person in any level position
- This report is designed to help build better relationships in the workplace
- Understand your style better and appreciate the style of those you work with
- You will be able to view your results immediately upon completing assessment
- DiSC link to take the assessment will be issued upon receipt of payment from PayPal
- Report prices are one per person and all assessment links will be on receipt
Learner Take-Aways
- Discover their own DiSC® style: recognize the priorities, motivators, and stress triggers that shape their workplace experience
- Explore other styles: understand the differences and similarities among the DiSC styles
- Identify strategies to make more meaningful connections with colleagues of various styles and work more effectively to reduce tension, solve problems, and contribute positively to their organizations
Proven Solution for: Change Management, Coaching, Communication, Customer Service, and Team Building
Everything DiSC® Work of Leaders Assessment
Everything DiSC Work of Leaders® lays out a clear path for helping leaders at all levels make the connection between their DiSC® style and leadership. Bringing together best practices from 300 experts in over 150 organizations, the important work of the most prominent scholars, and over four years of additional research and development, this all-inclusive classroom and online program approaches leadership as a one-to-many relationship (as opposed to the one-to-one relationship explored in Everything DiSC® Management). And with one unified model of leadership—vision, alignment, and execution—it focuses on helping leaders understand their own leadership styles and how their tendencies influence their effectiveness in specific leadership situations.
Research-validated, online assessment. 23-page leader-specific profile report provides detailed context-specific feedback based on the three-step Vision, Alignment, and Execution Model and the three drivers associated with each step. Strong visuals and illustrations, including 18 behavioral continua, delve deep into what steps leaders can take to increase the behaviors linked to the essential best practices of leadership.

This report is for a person in any level position
- Learn your DiSC leadership style and your top three leadership priorities
- Understand how you create vision, build alignment and execute
- Key leadership messages illustrated through an in-depth narrative report
- Learn how to take action with personalized leadership tips and strategies
- DiSC link to take the assessment will be issued upon payment through PayPal
- Report prices are one per person and all assessment links will be on receipt
This report is for a person in any level position
- Recognize the priorities and tendencies, based on their own DiSC style, that shape their approach to the fundamental work of leaders: creating a vision, building alignment around that vision, and championing execution of the vision
- Explore in detail how to play to their strengths and overcome challenges to improve their leadership effectiveness
- Identify strategies to develop preferred behaviors based on context-specific best practices
Proven Solution for: Change Management, Coaching, Communication, Leadership, Management, and Team Building
Everything DiSC® 363 for Leaders Profile

The Profile
- 22+ pages all about the leader
- All-new, research-validated model
- Intuitive, easy-to-read visuals
- Rich cuts of data and feedback breakdowns
- Comprehensive listing of rater comments
- Three strategies for improving effectiveness
Leaders can have unlimited raters in the following groups:
- Direct Reports
- Peers
- Manager
- Others
Participant Take-Aways
- Recognize the tendencies that shape their approach to leadership, based on their DiSC® style
- Understand how others see them as a leader and how their own self-ratings compare
- Identify which of the Eight Approaches to Effective Leadership—and the three behavioral Practices underlying each approach—are their strengths and which ones would benefit from further development
- Learn three personalized strategies for becoming a more effective leader based on specific rater feedback
Everything DiSC® Management Description

Used for Managers Who Have Staff Reporting To Position
- Bring out the best in your employees and develop your management potential!
- Learn your DiSC management style, priorities, preferences & potential stress areas
- Understand your approach for directing and delegating and tips for improvement
- Increase your management effectiveness for developing and motivating others
- DiSC link to take the assessment will be issued upon payment through PayPal
- You will be able to view your results immediately upon completing assessment
- Report prices are one per person and all assessment links will be on receipt
Learner Take-Aways
- Discover their DiSC Management style: recognize the priorities and preferences that shape their experience as a manager of others and as an employee who must also effectively manage up
- Understand how their unique style informs their approach to directing and delegation
- Learn strategies for improving employee motivation and developing the full potential of people with various DiSC styles
- Identify new ways to work more effectively with their manager
Everything DiSC® Management Profile
- Research-validated, online assessment. 27-page management-specific profile report helps learners better understand their approach to managing and developing others—their perspectives on directing and delegating, how DiSC style influences the factors that others find motivating—and insights for building strong relationships with their own managers.
Proven Solution for: Change Management, Coaching, Communication, and Management
Everything DiSC® Productive Conflict
Helps Employees Harness the Power of Workplace Conflict
Rather than avoid conflict and leave it unresolved, this conflict assessment help employees learn how to make the most out of challenging situations. Our rationale for proposing the Everything DiSC® Productive Conflict is because it will help employees curb destructive thoughts and behaviors so that conflict can become more productive, ultimately improving workplace results and relationships. This classroom program uses a research-validated learning model and combines engaging facilitation by our credential facilitators with follow-up tools to create personalized insights for participants at any level of an organization.

Participant Take-Aways
- Appreciate how their style of handling conflict affects the people around them
- Learn how to “catch” themselves when going down a destructive conflict path
- Learn how to reframe a conflict situation and choose more productive behaviors
- Build a common language in the organization around appropriate conflict behavior
Everything DiSC® Productive Conflict Benefits
- Appreciate how their style of handling conflict affects their peers
- Learn how to “catch” themselves when going down a destructive conflict path
- Discover how to reframe a conflict situation and choose more productive behaviors
- Build a common language in the organization around appropriate conflict behavior
Proven Solution for: Leadership development, Conflict Resolution, Effective Communication, and Team Building
Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) Instrument
Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) Instrument Benefits
Proven Solution for: Leadership development, Conflict Resolution, Effective Communication, and Team Building

Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument Profile and Interpretive Report

Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument Profile and Interpretive Report Benefits
The Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI) can be incorporated into any leadership development program because the TKI assessment provides insight into an individual’s typical response to conflict situations using one or more of five conflict-handling modes, or styles: competing, accommodating, avoiding, collaborating, and compromising. By identifying alternative conflict resolution styles and how and when to use them most effectively, the TKI assessment helps people reframe and defuse conflict, creating more productive outcomes. This conflict assessment will also help students strengthen the leadership competencies and fundamental competencies identified within the DoD Civilian Leader Development Framework and DoD Civilian Leader Development Continuum.
Proven Solution for: Leadership development, Performance Improvement, Stress Reduction, and Retention
Coaching: Move People Forward
In this course, leaders recognize the benefits of a growth mindset, Coaching: Move People Forward shows leaders how to flex their approach to meet the unique needs of the people they’re coaching, right where they are, and guide them in successfully achieving a goal. To have this kind of positive impact takes a trusting relationship, and that means coaches must have a better understanding of the other person and themselves. Leaders learn how to use simple, memorable coaching techniques that involve asking provocative questions, connecting at a human level, and energizing people into action. Leaders practice coaching techniques along with communication skills in real-time conversations that prepare them for any type of coaching moment.

Helps leaders:
- Recognize and nurture the potential within others to grow and change.
- Flex your approach to meet the unique needs of each person, whether you’re coaching for success or for improvement.
- Build a coaching relationship based on trust.
- Guide, inspire, support, and empower in the moment.
- Ask questions, connect at a human level, and energize into action.
Competencies developed: Communication, Coaching & Developing Others, Performance Improvement
Course outline:
- The impact of coaching
- Your coaching mindset
- Ask, connect, energize!
- Build coaching conversation skills.
- Coaching practice
- Giving and Receiving Feedback
Learn More
Our training courses are tailored to your needs and are custom developed for all corporations. To learn more about our online training programs, please visit our Online Training below. To learn more about our one-on-one training and on-site training programs, please contact us.