Does Your Training Align to the Vision + Mission of Your Company?

Training is an important part of building a productive, happy workforce. But many training programs focus heavily on the daily activities of an employee, which loses sight of the overall mission of your company. It’s important that every employee understand not only the tasks being performed, but how that work helps meet your company’s overall […]

Dig Beyond the Resume to Understand Behavioral DNA

When you hire an employee, you usually start with a limited amount of information. A person’s resumé lists education and career achievements, but that tells you little about how the person will perform once hired. You can try getting a feel for someone’s personality during an interview, but that only works if you fully understand […]

Do You Know What Motivates Your Employees?

If you look around at your team, it’s probably easy to see that each person has a unique personality. They may have altered that personality slightly to fit the current environment, but if you carefully observe their behaviors each day, you’ll begin to see the underlying personality traits that make the person most comfortable. Using […]

Hire Right the First Time

You may not realize it, but whether a person stays with your company or not is determined at the time of the interview. Since 80 percent of all employee turnover is due to a bad hire, all signs point back to your hiring process. The bad news is, every time you hire and train the […]

4 Tips for Delegating Like a Boss

You may be busy, but you know what you’re doing. You’ve worked on certain tasks so many times, you can do them in your sleep. The problem is, one person can’t do it all, and over time, you’ll find that the more hours you spend on the mundane tasks associated with your job, the less […]

Choosing Your Organizational Structure

No two leaders will approach heading up a team the same way. Some see the role as more of a motivator, while others take a hands-on approach to managing. But whether you step into an existing role or you get to create one from scratch, the way you structure your team will have a direct […]

How to Boost Your Self-Confidence for Success at Work

If you’ve ever met someone with self-confidence, you’ve likely wished you had that trait yourself. But self-confidence is not something we’re born having. In fact, the most self-confident people you know likely developed it over time. When you’re self-confident at work, the people around you can easily see it. You’ll find you inspire the rest […]

Are You a Likable Boss? This Course Can Help

Everyone wants to be liked, but in the course of doing business, maintaining likability can be tough. You want to make sure your team works hard toward their goals, and sometimes that means being stern, especially if one or more team members are being insubordinate. But toxic supervisory behaviors result in low morale and increased […]

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